Thursday, 24 November 2011

What we have been up to in our lessons this week

In our 3 lessons this week and Thursdays last week (17th) we had to complete the two Ancillary Tasks we were given, which consisted of a Magazine Advert and a Digi-Pack.

We started with the Digi-Pack as we thought this would take the longest, we thought up some ideas but when we tested them out on the template they didn't turn out as well as we thought they would, one idea that the group liked was with a tree/leaves background but we needed to put the 3 boys on the front cover and we couldn't make the product look professional enough, so we decided to go out and shoot some still images, trying to keep with the same theme, we managed to do this and got some good pictures.  We used an outside shot near a tree with the boys all staggered, we flipped the image on Photoshop and they fitted on the front with the leaves and trees in the background and on the back image, this idea took us a while to come up with, but I think that it was worth taking still shots because the product looks much more professional than if we had cropped out the boys from a part in the video.

For our Magazine Advert, we had a little less trouble, as there was less space to fill and we already had the image from the video which we wanted to be on the front, which was of all 3 boys walking away from the camera.  The magazine advert took a shorter amount of time to complete but we still think that it was successful.

Both ancillary tasks were completed on Photoshop, some of the group had worked on it before and some hadn't, I had used it before but wasn't very confident on the program, but I still knew the basics which was what mattered most.

I think that in the time in which we were given we completed the ancillary tasks to a high standard.

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